


There are now more than 1,000 heat pumps and data that are resident in GLD, including many new 50Hz models for world-wide coverage.

New in GLD are "Generic" pump families.  Essentially, we provide various sizes of low, medium and high efficiency pumps for those situations where the designer does not have the specifics of their heatpumps or the manufacturer is not included in the database.  The "Generic" families are modeled from various units of different manufacturers which represent a cross section of typical operation which may approximate the performance until the designer gets final specifications of pumps fror their job. 

If the heat pump manufacturer can supply performance curves, GLD can accommodate most any heat pump. Additional heat pumps and manufacturers are introduced with each GLDTM release version . New product families and manufacturers are added to GLD based on requests from customers and as the manufacturers introduce new products and families to market. With GLD, it's easy to add your own custom heat pumps for applications that need a new model or specialty manufacturer.


Ground Loop DesignTM comes preloaded with a large number of product families and heat pumps from a wide range of manufacturers including:  


Ground Loop DesignTM has a built-in heat pump updating tool called the Heat Pump Module. This allows users to input new heat pumps and/or customize existing pumps as needed. For instructions on how to use the heat pump update tool please refer to the user manual or download the Adding Heat Pumps Guide click on the following link:

Download: Adding Heat Pump Guide (for versions 5.3 through the latest GLD)


Ground Loop DesignTM works with manufacturers to include heat pumps that provide options for designers around the world.  If your company would like to be included as a standard supplier within GLD, we will gladly include your data.  In order to fully characterize equipment performance, a set of documentation has been prepared for completion by the engineering department.  Please download the compressed folder to extract the necessary templates to provide data to Ground Loop Design for inclusion in our heat pump pull-downs.  An HTML file is included which gives a description of each file in the zipped floder.

Download: Manufacturer Data Templates (for manufactures to submit heat pump data to GLD)


Contact us with any questions regarding multi-user pricing or corporate licenses:

Phone (763) 479-3638