

NEW Online Training

By popular demand, specialized, in-depth training is now available for designers utilizing the industry-leading GLD software platform.  These professional level courses are intended for serious designers that want to leverage their knowledge and tools for a more successful geothermal design experience.

Student Testimonial:


 GLD Training - Loopfields and Piping Design  
- Web Workshop Series

Thermal Dynamics, in conjunction with the Geothermal Training Institute, is currently offering a  web workshop series entitled, "GLD Training - Loopfields and Piping Design."  The objective of this series is to provide the geothermal designer with a working knowledge of GLD to design and optimize a geothermal system.  Examine the critical phases of the loopfield design, by importing building and modeling loads and configuring a loopfield. Correctly match the heat pump between the building and loopfield to develop a complete system. Design a piping system using the revolutionary piping design system to create systems that are balanced and purgeable.

Utilizing the industry leading Ground Loop Design (GLD) Software Suite, this series will show how to use the design and simulation power of the software in the preparation of realistic designs for different situations, including a full session dedicated to presentation of example designs from the instructor as well as looking at some actual system designs from the course participants. Two-way interaction with an expert instructor provides the geothermal professional with the tools he or she needs to use GLD with confidence.

Each session runs approximately three (3) hours
Below is the syllabus for the web workshop training: 

Register for Loopfields and Piping Design
Other Training